Our Core Service

Regular tracking of the UK grocery market focussing on range, retail prices, promotion activity, off-shelf display and key events such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, Halloween etc.

SIMPLE : We keep it simple so that we can make sure we do it well

REGULAR : Our core service works to a weekly cycle, 52 weeks a year

IN-STORE : We visit a number of stores and depots every week checking range, retail prices, promotions, off-shelf display and events

ON-LINE : We back this up by gathering information from the websites of the key retailers

TIMELY : We process all the data quickly

EASY TO RECEIVE : We send a weekly set of reports (usually via e-mail) to as many or as few people in your team as want them. The content of the reports is up to you (though we have some well-established formats that often seem to work)

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